TBS Rescheduler Download TBS Scheduling Guidelines You are responsible for finding open field times.You can find them at www.ncsanj.com. Top heading schedules/results", go to "by field". If there are already games scheduled at your field of choice, you should be requesting a game-time right before or right after the games previously scheduled at the field. Do not leave gaps. If there is no previously scheduled game at the field, you can pick your time. Remember it starts to get dark earlier after November 4th. All fields/times are subject to approval by RYSA scheduler & NCSA. **Entire form must be completed for form to process** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Name: GU8GU9GU10GU11GU12GGU12WGU13GU14GU15BU8BU9GBU9WBU10WBU10GBU11BU12GBU12WBU13BU14BU15HS EDPHS NC Email: NCSA / EDP Game Number: Opponent: NEW game time:8am8;30am9am9:30am10am10:30am11am11;30am12pm12:30pm1pm1:30pm2pm2:30pm3pm3;30pm4pm4:30pm5pm5:30pm6pm6:30pm7pm7:30pm8pm NEW game date: NEW field location: New game date/time confirmed with opposing coach or manager? YesNo New game date/time confirmed with team parents? YesNo New game date/time confirmed with your trainer? YesNo Did you confirm that a RYSA field is available at date & time of your rescheduled game? YesNo