Player Uniforms


All players are required to order at least the basic uniform package includes:

  • Home Match Jersey
  • Away Match Jersey
  • Match Shorts
  • Match Socks
  • Training Jersey

Any player may order the extra apparel including sweatshirts, sweatpants, warm-ups, track jackets, pants & soccer bags).

Uniforms may be ordered online or at the store:

Payment is made to Soccer Post, not to RYSA.  Please make sure to check with your manager before selecting a number.

Adidas Tabela 18 Jersey Green

Adidas Tabela 18 Jersey Green

Adidas Tabela 18 Jersey White

Adidas Tabela 18 Jersey White

Entrada Practice Jersey

Entrada Practice Jersey

Adidas black shorts

Adidas black shorts

Copa Zone Socks

Copa Zone Socks