Junior Wildcats
Welcome to the Junior Wildcats program for all 4 to 8-year-olds who are not already playing club soccer!
Under the direction of professional soccer trainer, Bobby Calderon, and First Shot Soccer Trainers, we will present basic soccer skills using a variety of games and fun drills. No experience necessary. Come to learn the game in a no-pressure, fun atmosphere!
The Junior Wildcats program was developed in 1998; in collaboration with members of the RYSA Wildcats Board and First Shot Soccer's Bobby Calderon. Today, Bobby and his staff, along with the club's coaches, board members and players, continue to successfully provide a fun-filled soccer experience for the children of the Junior Wildcats program.
WHEN: Sept 11, 18, 25, Oct 2, 9, 16
TIME: 4:30pm - 5:30pm
WHERE: Oakland Rec Field
COST: $135
ITEMS TO BRING: Shin guards (mandatory), soccer socks worn over shin guards, cleats, and water.